About Us
According to available records, the Church of Christ was established in Moulton as early as 1826. A preacher named B.F. Hall from Kentucky first preached here at that time and very likely found those of like minds already here. Therefore we are the second oldest congregation in Alabama that grew out of the early 19th Century appeal for religious organizations to return to the Bible alone as a rule of faith & practice.
The church was first called Moulton Christian Church & retained that name until shortly after 1900. Although it has always been located in downtown Moulton, this is our 3rd location in our almost 200 year history. There was even a time when the church met in the Lawrence County Courthouse.
We have hosted numerous men who were or became quite well known as preachers, writers, & educators. The present educational wing was built in 1950 & replaced a wooden structure from about 1925. The present auditorium was completed in 1970 with the Fellowship Hall added about 20 years later. Our church family has remained strong during our entire existence, endeavoring to help each other as well as others, always striving to spread the Gospel of Christ.
Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Keith Balch
Jack Burch
Scotty Evans
Brad McNutt - pulpit
Ryan Bowerman - youth
Schedule of Services
Bible Class 9:30 am
Worship 10:25 am
Evening 6:00 pm
Devotional 6:30 pm
Bible Class 6:45 pm
Office Ph: 256-974-1236
Randy Bowerman Fellowship
Ryan Bowerman Family Ministry
Bobby Burch Audio/Visual
Jackie Burch Financial
Jason Evans Facilities
Hillard Frost Lord's Table Assignments
Steve Heaton Appointments
Bryan Hood Safety
Lance Hopper Fellowship
Don Layman Missions
Franklin Terry Prison Ministry